UNICEF Bangladesh

Mukto Dashboard


The prevalence of malnutrition in Bangladesh is among the highest in the world. Millions of children and women suffer from one or more forms of malnutrition including low birth weight, wasting, stunting, underweight, Vitamin A deficiencies, iodine deficiency disorders, and anemia. Today malnutrition not only affects individuals but its effects are passed from one generation to the next as malnourished mothers give birth to infants who struggle to develop and thrive. 

UNICEF Bangladesh proposed to design and operationalize nutrition dashboard to develop and strengthen coordination mechanisms for nutrition with key relevant sectors and stakeholders to ensure a multi-sectoral approach at national and sub-national levels. The dashboard would help enhance decision-making, strategic planning and advocacy in nutrition through systematic data collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination.


Nutrition data were collected, compiled and reported from multiple management systems both in analog and digital formats. The data reported contained various nutrition indicators with different priorities. UNICEF needed a platform to collate and visually display the data collected from different districts to national levels and move towards achieving sustainable development goals.


Kazi Studios built a platform, Mukto, that aggregates nutrition data from different government sources to create a single platform to evaluate progress, performance, coverage, and impact of key nutrition interventions. The dashboard contained an interactive system for visualizing key indicators and scorecards for every district in Bangladesh. Mukto provided nationwide nutrition data as well as division level information to help facilitate strengthening and improving the quality of reports.

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